Phase 0 — Beta Launch

Ferro Protocol
2 min readMay 10, 2022

We are LIVE!

Hello Team FERies

Thank you so much for the support and feedback given since we started.

“The days are long but the years are short”

Today we have a milestone announcement to share with you.

We are LIVE with our test pool for Phase 0. This test pool will be made up of $USDC, $USDT and $DAI.

There will be no $FER emissions for this phase.

This is because we are still in the beta phase. The test pool launch is intended to allow users to get a first look and interact with all the frontend UI elements of the protocol. It helps to ensure we solve all the bugs and create a smooth and seamless user experience for our official launch.

We are also tweaking the algorithm to ensure the traders get the lowest slippage and maximize capital efficiency possible.

Participants in the pool however will be rewarded accordingly.

Incentive 1

Incentive Period: 10th May — 05th June 2022, 23:59 UTC

All participants that perform the following actions in the test pool will be given allowlist access to Ferro Protocol’s fair launch event that will be taking place with the leading launchpad in Cronos.

Actions to take:

Clicking on the respective link will bring you to our gitbook where we show you step by step on how to perform the actions.

In addition, 50 random participants will stand a chance to win $50 worth of $FER at launch price.

Incentive 2

Incentive Period: 10th May —13th June 2022, 23:59 UTC

Participants who help provide detailed feedback in identifying bugs, errors, and ideas.

Feedback Form:

10 most detailed and helpful entries will be given $250 worth of $FER each.

Team Ferro

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